Our notation for the fundamental number systems is as follows.
\mathbb{N} &= \text{the set of positive integers not including zero} \\
\mathbb{Z} &= \text{the set of integers} \\
\mathbb{Q} &= \text{the set of rational numbers} \\
\mathbb{R} &= \text{the set of real numbers} \\
\mathbb{C} &= \text{the set of complex numbers}
Our notation for set logic is as follows.
\emptyset &= \text{the empty set} \\
\mathcal{P}(X) &= \text{the power set of set } X
Given collection of sets \mathcal{E}, we have
\bigcup_{E \in \mathcal{E}} E &= \left\{ x: x \in E \text{ for some } E \in \mathcal{E} \right\} \\
\bigcap_{E \in \mathcal{E}} E &= \left\{ x: x \in E \text{ for all } E \in \mathcal{E} \right\}
Given indexed family of sets \left\{ X_{a} \right\}_{a \in A}, we have
\bigcup_{a \in A} X_{a} &= \left\{ x: x \in X_{a} \text{ for some } a \in A \right\} \\
\bigcap_{a \in A} X_{a} &= \left\{ x: x \in X_{a} \text{ for all } a \in A \right\}
A family of sets \mathcal{E} = \left\{ E_{a} \right\}_{a \in A} is called disjoint if E_{a} \cap E_{b} = \emptyset whenever a \neq b.
When the index set is \mathbb{N}, then we just denote \left\{ E_{n} \right\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}} as \left\{ E_{n} \right\}_{1}^{\infty}. In this situation, we define
\limsup E_{n} &= \cap_{n=1}^{\infty} \cup_{i=n}^{\infty} E_{n} \\
\liminf E_{n} &= \cup_{n=1}^{\infty} \cap_{i=n}^{\infty} E_{n}
If E and F are sets, we denote their difference by E \setminus F:
E \setminus F = \left\{ x: x \in E \text{ and } x \not\in F \right\}
and their symmetric difference
E \triangle F = (E \setminus F) \cup (F \setminus E)
When E is subset of some universal set X, we denote
E^{c} = X \setminus E
In this situation we have deMorgan's Laws:
\left( \bigcup_{a \in A} E_{a} \right)^{c} &= \bigcap_{a \in A} E_{a}^{c} \\
\left( \bigcap_{a \in A} E_{a} \right)^{c} &= \bigcup_{a \in A} E_{a}^{c}
Our notation for relations and functions is as follows.
If X and Y are sets, we denote their Cartesian product
X \times Y = \left\{ (x, y): x \in X \text{ and } y \in Y \right\}
A relation from X to Y is a subset R of X \times Y. If X = Y, then we just call it relation on X. Important relations are follows.
An equivalence relation on X is a relation R on X having following properties.
\text{Reflexive} &: (x, x) \in R \text{ for all } x \in X \\
\text{Symmetric} &: \text{if } (x,y) \in R, \text{ then } (y, x) \in R \\
\text{Transitive} &: \text{if } (x,y) \in R \text{ and } (y, z) \in R, \text{ then } (x, z) \in R
A function f: X \rightarrow Y is a relation R from X to Y with the property that for every x \in X, there is a unique y \in Y such that (x, y) \in R, in which case we write f(x) = y.
If f: X \rightarrow Y and g: Y \rightarrow Z are mappings, we define function composition g \circ f: X \rightarrow Z,\ (g \circ f)(x) = g(f(x))
For f: X \rightarrow Y, D \subset X and E \subset Y, we denote
f(D) &= \left\{ y \in Y: f(x) = y \text{ for some } x \in D \right\} \text{ (image of } D)\\
f^{-1}(E) &= \left\{ x \in X: f(x) \in E \right\} \text{ (inverse image of } E)
Now, for the inverse image, following holds. For \left\{ E_{a} \right\}_{a \in A} where E_{a} \subset Y,
f^{-1} \left( \bigcup_{a \in A} E_{a} \right) &= \bigcup_{a \in A} f^{-1}(E_{a}) \\
f^{-1} \left( \bigcap_{a \in A} E_{a} \right) &= \bigcap_{a \in A} f^{-1}(E_{a}) \\
For types of functions,
f: X \rightarrow Y is said to be
\text{injective} &: f(x_{1}) = f(x_{2}) \text{ only when } x_{1} = x_{2} \\
\text{surjective} &: f(X) = Y \\
\text{bijective} &: \text{ injective and surjective }
Lastly cartesian product for infinite index set.
For indexed family of set \left\{ E_{a} \right\}_{a \in A}
\prod_{a \in A} E_{a}
is the set of functions f: A \rightarrow \cup_{a \in A} E_{a} which satisfies f(a) \in E_{a}. If A = \mathbb{N}, then we call these functions as sequences.
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