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2018년 7월 31일 화요일

0.2 Orderings, Transfinite Induction and Bourbaki's Fixed Point Theorem

Here, we define orderings (which are types of relations also) and fundamental theorems (Transfinite Induction and Bourbaki's Fixed Point Theorem).
A partial ordering on a nonempty set X is a relation R on X with the following properties. \begin{align} \text{Reflexive} &: (x, x) \in R \text{ for all } x\in X \\ \text{Anti-Symmetric} &: \text{if } (x,y) \in R \text{ and } (y, x) \in R, \text{ then } x= y \\ \text{Transitive} &: \text{if } (x,y) \in R \text{ and } (y, z) \in R, \text{ then } (x, z) \in R \end{align} We denote partial orderings by \leq, and write x < y to mean that x \leq y but x \neq y.
Partial ordering does not guarantee any two elements in set X to be comparable, but linear (or total) ordering does.
A linear (or total) ordering on X is a partial ordering on X such that for any x, y \in X, either (x, y) \in R or (y, x) \in R.
Two partially ordered sets X and Y are said to be order isomorphic if there is a bijection f: X \rightarrow Y such that x_{1} \leq x_{2} \iff f(x_{1}) \leq f(x_{2})
If X is partially ordered by \leq,
  1. A maximal (resp. minimal) element of X is an element x \in X such that the only y\in X satisfying x \leq y (resp. y \leq x) is x itself.
  2. If E \subset X, an upper (resp. lower) bound for E is an element x \in X such that y \leq x (resp. x \leq y) for all y \in E.
  • If A \subset X is nonempty, then the greatest lower bound of A (if exists) is called infimum; and denoted by \inf A
  • If B \subset X is nonempty, then the least upper bound of B (if exists) is called supremum; and denoted by \sup B
A well ordering \leq on X is a linear ordering on X such that every nonempty subset of X has a \leq-minimal element. X is said to be well ordered by \leq.
Note that when X is linearly ordered, minimal (or maximal) element of A \subset X is unique if exists and is equal to \inf A. We shall discuss about properties of well ordered sets and transfinite induction.
For each x \in X, we define the initial segment of x to be I_{x} = \left\{ y \in X: y < x \right\} The elements of I_{x} are called predecessors of x.
(The principle of Transfinite Induction). Let X be a well ordered set. If A is a subset of X such that x \in A whenever I_{x} \subset A, then A = X.
Suppose A \neq X. X \setminus A is nonempty, we can define x = \inf (X \setminus A). Then I_{x} \subset A but x \not\in A; contradiction. Thus A = X.
(Bourbaki's Fixed Point Theorem). Let (X, \leq) be a partially ordered set. Assume that every nonempty linearly ordered subset of X has a supremum (least upper bound). Suppose f: X \rightarrow X and f(x) \geq x for all x \in X. Then there is some x^{\ast} \in X such that f(x^{\ast}) = x^{\ast}.
Fix a \in X. A subset A \subset X is admissible if
  • a \in A
  • x \in A \implies f(x) \in A
  • if F is linearly ordered subset of X and F \subset A, then \sup F \in A.
Clearly X is admissible. Let \mathcal{F} be collection of all admissible subsets of X. Then it is easy to check that M = \bigcap \mathcal{F} is also admissible. Thus M is the smallest admissible subset of X. Now define M' = \left\{ x \in M : a \leq x \right\} It is also easy to check that M' is admissible, so that M \subset M' \implies M = M'. Thus a is the minimum element of M. Pick x \in M and define B_{x} = \left\{ y \in M : y \leq x \text{ or } f(x) \leq y \right\} If y < x \implies f(y) \leq x holds for all y \in M, then
  • a \in B_{x} since a \leq x for all x \in M
  • If y \in B_{x}, then y \leq x or f(x) \leq y. If f(x) \leq y, then f(x) \leq y \leq f(y), so f(y) \in B_{x}. Or if y < x, then by assumption f(y) \leq x; f(y) \in B_{x}.
  • Suppose F \subset B_{x} is linearly ordered. Since B_{x} \subset M, F \subset M. Above we proved that M is admissible, so \sup F \in M. Since y \leq x or f(x) \leq y for all y \in F, the "least" upper bound \sup F should satisfy either \sup F \leq x or f(x) \leq \sup F. This gives \sup F \in B_{x}.
This shows that B_{x} is admissible; which implies M \subset B_{x} \implies B_{x} = M. We also define a set C = \left\{ t \in M : y < t \implies f(y) \leq t \text{ holds for all } y \in M \right\}
  • a \in C because the statement y < a for y \in M is false (vacuously true)
  • Suppose t \in C. If y < f(t) for y \in M, then since B_{t} = M, we get y \leq t. If y < t, by assumption f(y) \leq t; so that f(y) \leq t \leq f(t). If y = t, automatically f(y) \leq f(t). So f(t) \in C.
  • Suppose F \subset C is linearly ordered. Since C \subset M, F \subset M. Above we proved that M is admissible, so b = \sup F \in M. Suppose y < b for some y \in M. If all t \in F satisfy f(t) \leq y, then t \leq y for all t\in F so that y is an upper bound of F, y \geq b (which is contradiction). So there is t_{0} \in F such that f(t_{0}) > y. Since t_{0} \in C, B_{t_{0}} = M. Now y \leq t_{0} \text{ or } f(t_{0}) \leq y The only possibility is y \leq t_{0}. Here we divide into two cases. (1) If y < t_{0}, then by condition of set C, f(y) \leq t_{0} \leq b, so that f(y) \leq b. (2) If y = t_{0}, b \in B_{y} = M, which again gives b \leq y \text{ or } f(y) \leq b The only possibility is f(y) \leq b (because we already assumed y < b). In both cases, b \in C.
This means C \subset M is admissible, C = M. Combining two facts, we get the following fact. \forall x \in M,\ B_{x} = M This implies that for any x, y \in M, either y \leq x or f(x) \leq y. Since x \leq f(x), the condition simplifies into y \leq x or x \leq y; a linear ordering on M. Assumption guarantees existence of unique least upper bound x^{\ast} of M in M. Admissibility of M implies f(x^{\ast}) \in M. Then x^{\ast} \leq f(x^{\ast}) \leq x^{\ast}, so that f(x^{\ast}) = x^{\ast}.

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